Enter the post-apocalyptic world with the Clicker Collectible Rubber Duck, a unique twist on the terrifying beings from the beloved series. While this cosplaying duck might not possess super strength or echolocating abilities, it offers a less deadly alternative to the fearsome infected humans it represents. Crafted with fans in mind, this one-of-a-kind collectible captures the essence of the Clicker in a form that's far more charming than chilling. Beware, though, we can't promise this Clicker won't try to bite! Perfect for collectors and fans alike, this rubber duck adds a touch of apocalyptic flair without the danger, making it a must-have for any enthusiast's collection.
©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. The Last of Us is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Created and developed by Naughty Dog LLC.
Official The Last of Us merchandise
Designed and engineered by Numskull Designs
TUBBZ – your favourite video game, movie, TV show, and comic book characters come to life as cosplaying ducks
Boxed TUBBZ collectible
Collect them all – Four to collect in The Last of Us range
Premium collectables – highly detailed features and made from high quality PVC
Approximately 9cm (3.54”) tall