Kicking off this list with a bang we have the ruthless antagonist from the chaotic world of Borderlands, Handsome Jack! Or Handsome Quack, if you will. (I will die on a hill of duck puns.) For most, trying to get their hands on this TUBBZ at the moment is just as difficult as tracking down a Vault on Pandora, beating the game on Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode or trying to keep Claptrap quiet for more than a few seconds… you get the gist.
4. Spyro the Dragon
Any fans of this heroic little purple dragon will be met with disappointment to find out that his quacking counterpart is now quite the underdog in the world of TUBBZ. For those of you lucky to grab one when you could, bravo! For the less fortunate, it might be time to consult Moneybags to see if he has one smuggled away for you… for a price.
3. Ghostbusters Stay Puft (Exclusive Burnt Edition)
For the loyal fans of 80s classic Ghostbusters, the best TUBBZ to flex in your collection has got to be the marshmallow scented Stay Puft! Numskull Designs released two versions of this special character, one normal and one burnt edition. Since its release the burnt edition has become a tricky one to pin down so if you see a charred TUBBZ, don’t miss out on your chance to nab this elusive duck!
2. Jurassic Park T. rex
Numskull’s recently released range of Jurassic Park merchandise introduced an array of new characters from the movies as TUBBZ alongside their very first giant duck in TUBBZ history—none other than the T. rex itself! Limited to only 1,000 units worldwide, if you were lucky enough to get your hands on one of these humongous primeval TUBBZ, hold on to it!
1. Fallout Vault Boy (Glow-in-the-dark Edition)
Officially named on Twitter by Numskull Designs in 2019 as their never released ‘#0 TUBBZ’, this S.P.E.C.I.A.L (get it?) glow-in-the-dark edition of the Vault Boy from Bethesda’s critically acclaimed Fallout franchise is one post-apocalyptic duck hardcore TUBBZ collectors are desperate to get their hands on! So, if you do have one of these fellas in your collection, you can certainly count it as the ticket to your status as an ultimate TUBBZ VIP.
Do you agree with our list? Want to see more TUBBZ? Or maybe you have your eye on something else? We have all you need at with a huge selection of the very best TV, film and videogame merchandise at a price you’ll love.